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Why clean energy is the next big business opportunity

Why clean energy is the next big business opportunity

American politics shifted drastically on November 8, but the scientific facts of climate change remain the same. This year will break all global temperature records by the biggest margins ever. We’re on a real hot streak — and not a good one. Worse yet, global sea-ice recently hit record lows, as temperatures in the Arctic Ocean rose more than 20 degrees. Mother Nature doesn’t negotiate — regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, climate change threatens America’s future.

Now, more than ever, it’s critical that US businesses reshape America’s energy infrastructure in a positive way and lead our country’s transition to clean energy. This week the Risky Business Project, which I chair with Mike Bloomberg and Hank Paulson, released a new report showing how an economy that runs on clean, low-carbon sources can create millions of jobs, all the while providing a critical boost to America’s economy. How? Well, electrifying our economy is key. This means adopting everything from electric cars to electric heating systems, scaling up our reliance on solar and wind power and pairing those technologies with low-carbon energy that’s used more efficiently. Read more…

Why clean energy is the next big business opportunity